Do you know the way to San Jose? I do, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you support Trump. You might get jumped.
Last night’s Trump Rally in America’s 10th largest city (also home to at least several hundred thousand illegal aliens), wasn’t remarkable as far as anything Trump said, but because of the dozens of assaults on Trump supporters.
The suckerpunch, beloved by thugs and cowards, was a popular way of “protesting” against Trump supporters calmly walking back to their cars.
This “protester” got creative and sucker-bashed a Trump supporter in the head with a bag. Another was hit in the head with a traffic cone.
Glad to see diversity, even if only in assault methods.
The embarrassing mayor of San Jose actually blamed Trump for the violence and praised police, who only made a few arrests and did virtually nothing during the assaults.

As despicable as these actions were, they serve as valuable evidence of the inherently violent nature of the left and their pawns. I welcome debate, it’s important in a representative republic like ours, but the left doesn’t want a debate, they want obedience. For anyone with video evidence of Trump supporters suckerpunching Mexicans, please leave links in the comments below. The Guardian deserves credit for trying the hardest to twist the story of anti-Trump supporter assaults into ambiguity: “peaceful protests outside a Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California quickly descended into violence on Thursday night, with supporters clashing with anti-Trump demonstrators in running-battles around the convention center.” Of course every protest starts out peacefully until it descends into violence, kind of like gravity acting on a plane, explosive extremists don’t have anything to do with it. “A couple hours later, the demonstrators had mostly dispersed, but not until after some anti-Trump demonstrators had chased – and in some cases punched and attacked – departing Trump supporters, some of whom appeared intent on provoking and fighting as well, while other protesters tried to prevent the attacks.”@sliccardo contact San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo @ 408 299 7400 if you think thugs waiving Mexican flags shouldn’t be allowed 2 beat citizens
— Natomas Bill (@NatomasBill) June 3, 2016
Let’s start with the big picture.
I don’t support this violence at all. Not in any way, shape, or form. But if there is no Trump, then this violence does not exist. Trump has pushed a lot of buttons. His success is not a great mystery or because of his “extreme confidence” (except for the fact that he is very confident even when he contradicts himself). Trump has been successful because he says the right things to the audiences he wants to reach, no matter the consequences. And the things he says change based on his audience, hence all the self-contradiction. My favorite is still “Two Corinthians” when he actually said out loud “Is that the one you like?” Trump knows there are people who are anti-immigration with a tinge of racism or just overt racism. If you think that I’m being unfair or calling upon “political correctness”, just take a look at the comments section of Breitbart. The feeling that our less than pasty white president is somehow “anti-White” has become extremely prevalent, and it has led to a rise in racism which is justified by the thought that since the browns and blacks are “anti-White”, why can’t I be “anti-hispanic” or whatever? Sure you can be, but Obama does not “hate whites” and don’t be surprised if you get labelled a racist. Trump decided to tap into those feelings, partly because he believes in this garbage himself. But who really knows what he thinks because he contradicts himself constantly.
So having stirred up the shit pot of American racism, there is an unsurprising reaction from people who feel threatened. You yourself are clearly threatened by a perceived assault on America from people who don’t look like you, so why is this so hard to understand that people feel under attack from Trump and his supporters?
Trump has already inspired hate crimes against minorities, so now San Jose is basically the diametrical reaction.
A couple of finer points. This: “As despicable as these actions were, they serve as valuable evidence of the inherently violent nature of the left and their pawns. I welcome debate, it’s important in a representative republic like ours, but the left doesn’t want a debate, they want obedience.”
So there were rowdy people on the streets who really hate Trump and attacked people. There were also peaceful protesters there as well. But lest you forget things about your own former home, nearly every cinco de mayo in San Jose descends into a drunken riot. So maybe this has more to do with the temperament of some of the people that live there (regardless of race or naturalization status) and their willingness to take advantage of a messy situation on the streets. Far more dangerous is the astronomical rise in right-wing militia groups which are heavily armed and can cause much more damage and chaos than a few hundred kids throwing punches. Did you forget about Bundy and Oregon? Were they really that long ago?
So should I use this massive pile of evidence to tell you that the Right is “inherently violent”? No, because that would be dumb. And the left is just as open to debate as the right is, which means that they are both using certain rhetorical tools to reinforce their points. However, there are fundamental philosophical differences that cause the two sides to miss each other in a conversation. In that way, I agree that there is not a real debate between the two sides but that is because they do not understand each other, not because one side is not open to conversation and only expects “obedience”.
The other thing is that you have personal experiences that you shared here that help me to understand where you’re coming from. I’m sorry you got stuck up, but it doesn’t mean you get to generalize about all people who look a certain way. Also was his presence and desperate situation a consequence of immigration? There a great many people of Mexican descent in California who have been there for generations longer than your family. You might recall that that state was a Spanish colony from 1769-1821 and then a part of Mexico from 1821-1848. So Spanish language and Mexican culture are a part of the “heritage” and “tradition” of California. You’ve used these words to invoke something meaning “white” heritage and tradition, but you seem to have forgotten the history of the place you come from.
And the last thing about NYE is just ridiculous. So you think that this drunk person let you on the secret about the white genocide that’s coming? If you have more evidence to present that there are covert plans to kill all whites, please let me know. Until then I’ll just file this under the “white supremacist conspiracy theory” category. I wonder if some of these things that you write are willful ignorance or just attempts at being provocative.
Insinuations or accusations of racism are meaningless. The left has cried wolf for too long. People don’t care about it because they know it’s a lie. The left likes to tell people what they are thinking, what they should be thinking and smears and destroys them if they aren’t obedient. The SPLC is a good example. Anyone who isn’t a leftist progressive is labeled a “hater”.
The problem isn’t that the two sides don’t understand eachother, they understand eachother very well. The left hates western civilization. You don’t debate with someone who wants to destroy your society and culture, you defeat them. James Burnham put it best “Liberalism is the ideology of western suicide.”
Trump didn’t stir anything up. The forces at play here are infinitely more powerful than Trump, he’s just the only champion to have come along and galvanized it. The San Jose violence is just a preview of what’s sure to come. It’s sad that more people will get hurt and probably killed, but it’ll open people’s eyes to the disastrous situation that illegal and legal immigration over the last half century has created.
The leftist fantasy of “right wing militias” being a threat is ridiculous. Illegal aliens murder, rape and rob on a daily basis. Over 300,000 are in our local, state and federal prisons: Of course this isn’t the only problem America faces, but it’s an obscenely glaring one that the federal government (under both Bush and Obama) has not only failed to address, but has encouraged.
Trump represents hope for Americans who oppose the religion of political correctness, multiculturalism, anti-racism, anti-fascism (communism), progressivism etc. It’s also the same reason why the left hates Trump so much. I hope he has top-notch protection because he’ll be in mortal danger for the rest of his life. The left fantasized about assassinating George. W. Bush before
You gotta work on your definitions. What do you mean when you say the left? Because your usage of it is as an epithet in reference to those you don’t agree with. On the one hand you refer to the “left” hating Trump, but I don’t know if you noticed, but people on the entire political spectrum hate Trump. His economic ideas don’t make sense and are anti-capitalist, he’s constantly lying and contradicting himself, while calling other people liars. He knows very little about the things he wants to take responsbility for. As GOP strategist Rick Wilson said, “You
could be living on a diet of lead paint, cheap vodka and Real
Housewives and still know more than Trump does about, well, everything.”
You’d chock up the opposition of conservatives to Trump to his “passivism” and potential to lead the world to peace. But no worries, if Trump is serious about leading a reinvigoration of the US military, there will be plenty of money to go around for the war profiteers. And as Trump alienates old allies and friends, the US might have more of a mess on its hands than ever.
On the other hand you have imagined that some of the far left forces in civil society represent all people left of you. I don’t consider myself part of the far-left that you’re railing against. The idea of political correctness to me is entirely bankrupt. As I’ve demonstrated to you in the past, those on the right have their own version of it, and it’s dumb in both of its iterations.
In any case, I think it’d be better to seperate individuals from group
generalizations. For example, if there were people who wanted to kill W, that does
not mean that “the left fantasized about” it. You’re massively oversimplifying the entire political spectrum into “us” and “them”.
And “Liberalism”? Which Liberalism is the ideology of western suicide? Burnham cut his intellectual teeth as a Trotskyist, and in the language of radical Marxism, Liberalism (meant in the European sense, free market orthodoxy and social conservatism) is just one manifestation of the corrupt superstructure of capitalism. So it’s contentless on its own, just a bourgeois trick. The American “liberal” idea is so diverse that it does not really mean much without qualifications. There are socialists and investment bankers who would call themselves American liberals.
What is meant by multiculturalism? How do you imagine the US without a multitude of cultures? What’s the “real” American culture you’d like to bring back focus onto? The many cultures of the US integrate and morph over time, but it is a long process. The German immigrants to the US were considered unassimilable and foreign, then the Irish with their Catholicism were considered fundamentally at odds with the prinicples of democracy, since their loyalty was to the Pope. Then there were the Jews, Poles and Italians who all faced nativism at the time of their immigration and are now considered integral parts of American culture. As a person studying history I’m sure you’ve noticed that things change, they don’t stay the same.
Anti-fascism and communism are two very different things, you can’t lump them together. The way you’ve used communism in other writings indicates to me that you don’t take the word seriously, it’s just another epithet to you.
Frankly, I don’t really understand your response. You’ve said “no no” to me. OK, why? The left cried wolf? You think racism doesn’t exist because the accusation is thrown around too often? That’s absurd.
No one is “smearing or destroying” you. So what if the SPLC consider you a hater? Trump is labeling other people rapists and murderers, and you agree with him on that. You can give it out but you can’t take it in. You claim that you don’t care about political correctness or about the “line of the left” and yet you can’t stomach it when someone disagrees with your worldview. I guess it’s tough for an alt-right kid growing up in California. But since you’re a defender of the 1st amendment then you have to respect your interlocutors right to say something to you, just as they can allow you to speak.
And you can’t just dismiss that right wing militias are a “myth”. On what grounds and in what way are they a leftist fantasy? They exist, they’re heavily armed, and the Bundy occupation happened and the Oregon occupation happened. Myth, fantasy? What are you talking about?
You’re claiming that “illegals” are robbing, murdering, and raping “on a daily basis”. Skipping over the fact that you have no evidence for this claim, this is a false correlation between immigration and crime which has been disproven over and over. It’s kind of a no-brainer, since an illegal immigrant—whether he or she be Polish, French or Ethiopian—would prefer to stay off the radar of the authorities so as not to be deported when they inquire about their immigration status. So is it more likely that an American citizen will commit a crime than an illegal immigrant? And if the answer to that question is that an American citizen is more likely to commit a crime, then what do you propose to do with them?
I’ll answer one question for you: The incarceration rate for all foreign born people is 0.86% (.7% for those born in Mexico), while the American born rate is ~4%.
And do you realize the implications of what you’re saying about immigration? Do you think that your parents should never have moved to the US? Are you part of this “horrible destructive force” in the US?
Burnham explains liberalism in detail in “Suicide of the West”, his analysis can be applied to the left in its various forms. Readers are welcome to decide for themselves if his analysis is accurate. Presenting a more nuanced view of the left isn’t a good use of my time here. Don’t confuse a blog with a PhD dissertation. The differences between a communist, socialist, feminist, anarchist, progressive, etc. are unimportant to me, they all seek to undermine what I value, that’s enough to oppose them.
Samuel Huntington is a source for readers on the issues of immigration, multiculturalism and American identity. He is well known for “Clash of Civilizations”, but the lesser-known “Who Are We?” is more relevant here. Immigration isn’t all the same, because immigrants aren’t all the same, different incoming cultures and ethnicities will vary dramatically in their effect on American society. The unprecedented immigration into the US since 1965 has had a dramatic, and in my view a disastrous effect. Over 1 million new immigrants per year is unsustainable, especially when places like California promote an anti-assimilationist school curriculum.
Here’s some evidence on illegal alien crimes. These are just the one’s that ICE freed (they use the Orwellian euphemism “placed in a non custodial setting”): Your claim about illegal aliens not committing crime because they want to avoid deportation is demonstrably false. You seem to be afraid of white Christians who legally own guns and don’t like the federal government, but you come up with a surrealistic defense of illegal aliens who have been convicted of tens of thousands of crimes, including using guns to kill people.
As far as immigrant/illegal alien crime incarceration rates, the statistics are notoriously difficult to find, in fact there are nowhere close to complete statistics, because the federal government does not keep them. The best thing we have is this GAO report, which itself states “There are no reliable population data on criminal aliens incarcerated in all state prison systems and local jails. The data we obtained represent a portion of the total population of criminal aliens who may be incarcerated at the state and local levels…” The incarceration rate you provide is nowhere verifiable in fact. The links you provide include this as a data source: “Data are estimates for adult males, ages 18 to 39, institutionalized at the time of the census.” Maybe you meant it as a joke?
Far from not being able to stomach opposing viewpoints, I invited you to comment here, despite having no obligation to give you a platform or listen to anything you say. You seem to have been triggered by my daring to present viewpoints opposed to your own, and you have a burning desire to show how wrong I am, going as far as “quoting” words I never stated anywhere. Your views may be useful as an illustration to other readers, but what you think doesn’t really matter to me. It’s amusing though. The question is, when faced with new information that reveals your ignorance of illegal alien crime, whether you’ll take even a moment to reflect on what led you to be so blind, or will you triple down and stubbornly refuse to accept it?
I don’t expect you to write a dissertation about the meaning of liberalism, but I do expect that if you use words that you understand their meaning and don’t just throw them around as epithets. Because if you don’t take words seriously then this happens: “The differences between a communist, socialist, feminist, anarchist,
progressive, etc. are unimportant to me, they all seek to undermine what
I value, that’s enough to oppose them.” None of those ideas on their own undermine what you value, they are simply different perspectives on the world and they exist with or without you.
The GAO is not the best or the only thing… this is seperate and newer research and I provided this in the original links. And if your beloved Trump can triple down on everything he says, why can’t I?
But the point is not about the absolute numbers of illegal immigrants in jail it’s about their propensity for crime. I’d like to hear the evidence that proves that. Telling me that there are illegals in jail (the majority are there for “immigration” and traffic violations [also an immigration crime since they’re driving without a license]) does not mean that illegal immigrants are more likely to commit violent crime than citizens. That is the claim that I made, and you did not disprove that.
I appreciate the open discussion, but if you can stomach opposing views, I still don’t get why you’re so concerned about being labeled a “hater.” That’s was what I was saying, not talking about our conversation here.