March of Independence in Warsaw Update: Under pressure from various groups, as well as the Polish government itself, Facebook relented and reinstated the March of Independence fan page. Facebook has been deleting group pages and profiles related to nationalist groups in Poland. The pages removed include those of the March of Independence, National Radical Camp, National Movement and All-Polish Youth. The pages had a combined reach of hundreds of thousands of likes and followers. The strongest blow is to the fundraising and information efforts for the March of Independence, since 2008 a feature of National Independence Day on November 11, which draws upwards of 50,000 marchers from around Poland. The mostly peaceful march has been marred in years past by radical elements who have caused property damage and fought with police. During the worst incident in 2012, 176 people were arrested and 22 police officers were injured. Claims have been made that the violence (to which the mass media in Poland gives full coverage) was provoked by police and radical leftists groups to disrupt the march. Nationalist groups are planning a protest in front of Facebook Poland’s office in Warsaw on Saturday, November 5, under the slogan “STOP Censorship”. According to Robert Bąkiewicz co-chairman of the March of Independence Association (Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości):
We’re protesting against the escalating censorship by the administrators of the Facebook social media portal. The monopolist, in the area of content represented by Polish users, promotes the leftists and liberal community, simultaneously limiting or eliminating from its space content that is nationalist, patriotic and Catholic. (trans. Nick Siekierski, from, October 26, 2016).
According to him Facebook is not providing any valid justification for the pages being blocked. Facebook on the other hand has responded that their employees have acted objectively:
They check if content submitted is in line with societal standards, but they don’t take political convictions into account. After removing material we inform their author of it. Continued violations of standards results in temporary blocking, and if despite everything the violations take place, we suspend such accounts. (trans. Nick Siekierski, from, October 27, 2016)
Leftist groups have claimed credit for the purge, including the Ośrodek Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych (Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior):
The great action of leftist communities successfully completed! The pages of the March of Independence, All-Polish Youth, National Radical Camp and National Movement have disappeared. The loss is painful because the nationalists were using the service [Facebook] to collect money for the March of Independence, which will take place on November 11 in Warsaw. We’ll let let you in on a certain secret. In the coming days we’ll hit 50 more right-wing profiles. Good night white pride 🙂
The organization appears to be an Antifa (Anti-Fascist) group. Antifas are communists who out of cowardice and bad branding (thanks to Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.) don’t describe themselves honestly. In another post the group solicits donations to help in the fight against “homophobia, racism, islamophobia, anti-semitism, and all sorts of xenophobic behavior..” The list reads almost identically to Hillary Clinton’s failed attack speech against the Alt-Right “basket of deplorables”. The group also happily reports the arrest and imprisonment for two months of a Polish soccer fan who apparently sang a racist song against Arab Muslims, “we are very pleased by this verdict.” Their volunteers are apparently attending sporting events more and more often in order to “record the behavior of racist idiots and pass on such ready material to the police.” One could argue that the neo-communist left poses the greatest threat to both Europe and the United States. Leftist groups are the motivating force behind the mass media hoax “refugee crisis”, debunked by citizen journalists like Mike Cernovich. The crisis is in reality an economic migrant invasion of mostly non-Syrian, military-aged young men. It’s unlikely that the nationalist protest will have any affect on Facebook’s policies. It’s a warning call to Poles to recognize the dangers of relying on SJW (social justice warrior) converged organizations. Information and social media alternatives to converged organizations like Twitter and Wikipedia are already active, namely Gab and Infogalactic. As Mike Cernovich emphasized in MAGA Mindset, politics is downstream from culture and the left owns the culture. It’s time to support free-speech-focused enterprises and to fight the thought police that wants to define any speech they disagree with as “hate speech”. Thankfully Poland’s population is right of center and even though aspects of the society are socialistic in nature, most Poles are fiercely anti-communist. The bigoted, left-wing fringe in Poland seeks to advance cultural Marxism by subverting language and behavior to their total control. Poles criticizing the importation of unvettable migrants are labeled “racists!”, Catholics defending marriage being between a man and a woman are “homophobes!”, questioning the narrative that Poles are inherently anti-semitic makes one an “anti-semite!”, and so on. The upcoming March of Freedom in less than two weeks will be held under the slogan “Poland, Bastion of Europe”. For centuries Poland resisted the invasions of he Ottomans, the Mongols and the Tatars. As western Europe seems ready to capitulate to the flood of humanity from Africa and the Middle East, Poland, along with Hungary and a hanful of others, are the only countries that seems to have any interest in resisting it.
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2 thoughts on “Facebook Censors Polish Nationalists

  1. MoreBalti says:

    Homophobia, racism and anti-semitism are of course all bad and unhealthy things, but the speed and frequency at which these type of accusations (i.e. labeling something racist or homophobic) are made these days makes it difficult to distinguish the signal from the noise. In addition, censoring groups likes these does nothing to stop them and if anything just glamorizes them more. Censorship is not the answer, because even if you prevent someone from saying something unpleasant, you can’t stop them thinking it. You need to listen to them and find out why they are thinking that way. If we do that, we will no doubt find that we aren’t all enemies after all. But why should people bother to sit down and listen when they can simply get angry on Twitter instead? And after all, it’s not “our” fault, it’s “those other people”, so why should we do anything?

    1. Nick says:

      It’s becoming increasingly clear that fundamental differences exist between the left and right because of differing survival strategies, leading to the evolution of political divisions, aka “r/K theory” Of course people should listen to eachother and seek to understand, but people who resort to calling you a Nazi, justifying violence against you, aren’t safe to engage with.

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