Polska The Times Donald Trump President Following up on my interview in Polska The Times shortly before the election, I was interviewed again hours after Trump was declared the winner. My observations appear in the article “Donald Trump Prezydentem. Miliarder i polityczny outsider zdobył Biały Dom” (Donald Trump is President. Billionaire and Political Outsider Wins the White House). Here are the English translations of the two paragraphs of my comments: “This is a great triumph for all of America, which shows that democracy in the United States continues to work, and a candidate for the highest political position in America and the world can be chosen from beyond the establishment” – said to the Polska Press Information Agency, Nicholas Siekierski, PhD candidate in history at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), author of the blog researchteacher.com about polish and American history and current affairs. “It’s also a huge defeat for the mass media in the US, which from the start of Trump’s candidacy predicted that he had no chance to become president. There were numerous polls that asserted that the Republican wouldn’t win, yet he won” – added Siekierski … Nicholas Siekierski recognized that Trump’s (victory) speech was toned down. “He already reached his goal, before him stands the next challenge. Trump will endeavor to politically reconcile American society and I think that’s why he toned down his rhetoric. He knows that he has a lot of work ahead of him and that this is only the beginning of this revolution that he started along with millions of Americans. Now he’ll need as many allies as possible, he’ll have to negotiate and have good relations with his opponents in the Republican and Democratic parties” said the PhD candidate at PAN.

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