Hoover Tower at Stanford University during the Board of Overseers Dinner It has been a busy couple of weeks since I last posted. I returned to Northern California for some down time, studying and visiting with friends and family. While in town I visited the Hoover Institution Library and Archives where I continued some of my PhD research and attended several dinners at the annual Board of Overseers meeting. I’ll be headed to Cleveland on Sunday for the Republican National Convention. I wasn’t able to secure a special press pass for the formal conventionĀ (I missed the deadline so my chances were slim), but many exciting and interesting things will be going on around it. Given the heightened tensions in America and around the world of late, I hope things will stay relatively relaxed in Cleveland, but only time will tell. Since I haven’t done any videos in a while, here are several of me at Hoover.

2 thoughts on “At the Hoover Institution, Stanford University

  1. Nice connecting with you at Hoover, Nick!

    1. Nick says:

      Nice to see you again Cynthia!

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