The German media and political establishment
lost its collective mind yesterday over President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on “climate change”.
German chancellor Angela Merkel was joined by French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in condemning President Trump’s decision to back out of the climate agreement, which is made up of nearly 200 countries.
The trio issued a statement shortly after Mr Trump’s announcement saying: “We deem the momentum generated in Paris in December 2015 irreversible and we firmly believe that the Paris Agreement cannot be renegotiated, since it is a vital instrument for our planet, societies and economies.”
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel also blasted the president’s announcement on Thursday, saying the move threatened economic growth and technical progress.
Several members of Merkel’s Cabinet took aim at Mr Trump, and issued a seething joint statement saying: “The United States is harming itself, us Europeans and all other people in the world.”
Mr Trump’s decision to abandon the agreement for environmental action signed by 195 nations is a remarkable rebuke to heads of state, climate activists, corporate executives and members of the president’s own staff, who all failed to change his mind with an intense, last-minute lobbying blitz.
The Paris agreement was intended to bind the world community into battling rising temperatures in concert, and the departure of the Earth’s second-largest polluter is a major blow.
The decision was, however, a victory for Stephen Bannon, President Trump’s chief strategist, and Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, who both spent months quietly making their case to the president about the dangers of the agreement.
Even though the agreement was not called a treaty, its binding conditions clearly meet the standard of being a treaty that needs approval from two-thirds of the U.S. Senate, which the Paris Agreement has not obtained. In making the decision, Trump has fulfilled a substantial campaign promise. He also didn’t waste the opportunity to remind his supporters of it through his weekly email message and accompanying video:
The United States is officially withdrawing from the Paris Climate Deal.
It was a terrible deal that crushed hardworking Americans and handed over control of our country’s future to global power brokers.
Now those very same special interests — the fake news media, Hollywood, lobbyists, and the entire corrupt establishment — are attacking us from all fronts.
I need you to defend our decision to put America First and stand up to the vicious attacks coming our way.
On a side note, the above-mentioned mailing list that I’ve been on since the inauguration has always had “Team Trump-Pence” as the sender, while this latest one was simply “Donald J. Trump”. I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of details like this, especially with recent rumblings about Vice-President Pence and his presidential ambitions. It could be Trump’s way of reminding everyone who’s in charge, and for certain decisions, this Paris Agreement one in particular, it’s not always a team effort. By all accounts Trump’s close advisors (not to mention most of the business world and Silicon Valley) were trying to get him to stay in the pact, while adviser Steve Bannon and Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, were opposed.
The meme that Bannon is the real president is being revived to use as a weapon against Trump again. Vox Day has said that SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) always lie and always double down. This appears to be the case again here. Though a bit annoying it doesn’t seem to be an effective tactic in convincing Trump supporters to abandon him, but it does affect the half of Democrat voters who hated Trump already. The mindless rage being stoked in leftist minds by the mass media will lead to violence. The photo of the mentally ill “comedian” holding a prop of Trump’s bloody and severed head was not even meant as a joke, its a fantasy and a wish.