Happy 71st birthday
President Trump.
Who would have thought that a kid from Queens who by all accounts lived a pretty charmed life and went on to become a playboy real estate tycoon would choose to run for President of the United States as his greatest and final act?
There’s no doubt that Donald Trump knew he was in for the challenge of his life when he began this journey with an escalator ride down into the lobby of Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, two years ago this Friday.
As even he admitted though after a year and a half of brutal campaigning, finally winning the election and being sworn in among non-stop, media-manufactured controversy, it was harder than he expected it to be.
The snark merchants of the mass media jumped on this line, as they jump on everything else Trump does or doesn’t do to try to smear, besmirch and insult him. The truth is however that no figure in modern history has been showered with as much venom, vitriol and hate than Donald Trump and not cracked under the pressure to boot!
Stalin was never so hated, for obvious reasons, the leftist journalists and professors were mostly communists or fellow travelers, so throwing dirt at him would only soil themselves. Hitler was certainly hated, but in an age of a morning and evening edition of a newspaper (at most) and perhaps the occasional radio broadcast or pre-movie newsreel, how much hate and attention could you really focus on the guy? The Holocaust didn’t become a major issue in public life for several decades after Hitler shot himself in the Fuhrerbunker in central Berlin in April 1945.
Just over a year after those fateful days, when the world was shaken to its foundations, Donald Trump was born. His entire life has been witness to the astounding advances in communications technology, the exponential growth and
(destructive) influence of the mass media, and ironically, through social media, it propelled him to the White House. Looking back we might see Trump’s accomplishment as a rare event rather than the beginning of a trend, as the inherently leftist mass media seeks to shut down all avenues of communication for any right-of-center thinking. If Twitter had known that Donald Trump would ride its failing business to the greatest political win in modern American history, I have no doubt they would have preemptively banned his account for any frivolous reason. As time went on and he gained momentum, it was too late to stop him. Maybe Trump would have found a way around it, but you can’t deny that Twitter (and social media in general) was the key communications platform.
Live by the mass media, die by the mass media though. If anything proves to be Trump’s undoing,
it will be his unhealthy attachment to the media world, a world where he was praised and welcomed for decades, as long as he wasn’t a threat to progressivism. Now he is persona non grata, enemy #1, and the full force of the entertainment-infotainment-“news”-mass media-propaganda megaphone has been arrayed against him.
It’s a hell of a time to be alive and Donald Trump has shown himself to be a hell of a guy to have lasted this long. For the sake of America, lets hope that boundless energy and optimism of his lasts another solid eight years or more. We don’t expect miracles, but the Trump administration is the breathing room and window of opportunity that Western civilization desperately needs to have a fighting chance at recovering from its century-long decline.
Godspeed Mr. President, and as we say in Poland “Sto Lat!” (100 years!)