I’d be curious to know when the last time this law was used, if ever. The “Red Scare” is a red herring, the U.S. Government was thoroughly infiltrated with Communists and fellow travelers even before World War II. Read Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies by M. Stanton Evans or Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by Evans and Herbert Romerstein.Many of my university professors were socialists or communists (virtually all leftists), bitter America-haters who lied about the Soviet terror famine in Ukraine, who lied that Hitler was a Christian and that’s what led to the Holocaust, who compared murderous communist revolutionaries to the founding fathers. I see this bill as symbolic because there is currently no barrier to communists at every level of the California bureaucracy. It is emblematic of how far this state has fallen, it can’t even recognize the most destructive, bloodthirsty ideology of modern times as such.
Another good book is In Denial: Historians, Communism and Espionage by John Earl Haynes. Using that one as a source on a paper led to a low grade and my University of Madison Wisconsin-trained professors at San Jose State University to accuse me of “red-baiting”. My email to the head of the history department questioning his objectivity helped to sort him out. Red diaper babies absolutely hate, hate, hate the fact that the Venona decrypts and other sources have revealed the wide-scale collaboration and espionage of American Communists and leftist fellow travelers with Stalin’s Soviet Union. Hey, it’s called “Commiefornia” for a reason.