An apocryphal quote attributed to Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels goes,
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
The 24/7
Mass Media environment we live in makes the dissemination of propaganda and deception easier and more powerful than ever. A recent
Harvard study has confirmed what has been painfully obvious for nearly two years, the Mass Media has shown an incredible negative bias towards Donald Trump, with the tone of coverage been as bad as 98% negative in some cases. Even FOX News, the nominally conservative media outlet, tilts 52% negative against Trump. This is probably the closest thing to “fair and balanced” (true to its motto) that we can find in the media today.
baseless accusations and insinuations that the Trump campaign colluded with “the Russians” to subvert America’s election process is the most glaring example of how this negative coverage operates. The apparent indefinite perpetuation of this scandalous strain of “fake news” through the appointment of a special counself by the Justice Department could cause serious problems for the Trump agenda and thus for America’s future.
According to Pat Buchanan:
As did almost all of its predecessors, including those which led to the resignation of President Nixon and impeachment of Bill Clinton, Mueller’s investigation seems certain to drag on for years.
All that time, there will be a cloud over Trump’s presidency that will drain his political authority. Trump’s enemies will become less fearful and more vocal. Republican Congressmen and Senators in swing states and marginal districts, looking to 2018, will have less incentive to follow Trump’s lead, rather than their own instincts and interests. Party unity will fade away.
And without a united and energized Republican Party on the Hill, how do you get repeal and replacement of Obamacare, tax reform or a border wall? Trump’s agenda suddenly seems comatose. And was it a coincidence that the day Mueller was appointed, the markets tanked, with the Dow falling 372 points?
Markets had soared with Trump’s election on the expectation that his pro-business agenda would be enacted. If those expectations suddenly seem illusory, will the boom born of hope become a bust?
The goal of the Mass Media is to destroy the Trump Presidency, ideally through impeachment and removal, or by weakening the bond between Trump and his supporters to the point where an establishment candidate (either Democrat or Republican) can beat him in 2020.
The war is for your mind. Given how many people I’ve seen come down with “Trump derangement syndrome”, the media’s efforts are bearing some fruit, but for now it seems that they are preaching to the choir.
It’d behoove Trump to recognize that by bending over backwards to appease the Mass Media by granting interviews and replying to them directly, non-stop, at best he’s reaching an audience that despises him, while his base tuned out of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and Washington Post, long ago.
Tune out the Mass Media Mr. President, take your message directly to the American people, don’t filter it through their distorted prism.