Paul Nehlen for Congress banner Today I made a donation to the campaign of Paul Nehlen, the man running a campaign to unseat the current Speaker of the House of Representatives, Paul Ryan. Ryan is the quintessential RINO (Republican in Name Only) or more acerbically, a RAT (Republican Against Trump). He is hell-bent on dramatically increasing immigration, passing the globalist TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and undermining Donald Trump at every turn. Over the last few election cycles it has become clear that reinforcing the congressional majority with Republicans like Ryan has been disastrous for all Americans, not just those on the right. If Donald Trump is elected president, he will likely face fierce opposition from Congress, and perhaps even moreso from Republican RINOs than Democrats. For him to have a fighting chance to reinforce our borders, stop immigration from terrorist-breeding cultures and refocus our economy for the benefit of Americans instead of rapacious corporations, he will need all of the help he can get. Creatures like Paul Ryan cannot be reasoned or negotiated with. They have their orders from extremely wealthy donors (in Ryan’s case the dastardly Koch brothers). They need to be removed from office and relegated to the dustbin of history forever. Fighting against an incumbent and winning is a difficult task, but not without precedent in recent history. Eric Cantor, cut from the same cloth as Ryan, lost in the Republican primary to David Brat in 2014 and resigned as House Majority Leader shortly thereafter. Like Ryan, Cantor was an ardent immigration enthusiast, in direct opposition to the will of his constituents. Lest we forget, immigration and America’s national identity are the issues that rocketed Donald Trump to the GOP presidential nomination. The Ryan’s and Cantor’s of the Republican Party do not represent the will of most voters who want immigration under control and geared exclusively towards America’s benefit, not serving as a welfare program for the rest of the world. To his credit, Trump has not endorsed either Ryan or John McCain, another RINO Republican facing a primary challenge. I hope he doesn’t back down because they will most certainly stab him in the back at the first opportunity. Check out Paul Nehlen’s website and consider making a donation.

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