Orlando massacre terrorist Omar Mateen. Is political correctness more important than your life? U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch seems to think so. In a recent interview, Lynch stated that a “partial transcript” of the 911 calls made by Omar Mateen, the Muslim terrorist responsible for the Orlando massacre, will be released. She also referred to Mateen as “the killer” at several points, making it sound like a local criminal matter, rather than the act of international terrorism that it was. Excluded from the transcript will be his pledge of allegiance to ISIS, “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda…we are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance and that.” What’s the point of releasing these edited transcripts without key information about the terrorist’s motive, which shockingly, is still under investigation? Preparing ourselves both as individuals and as a nation requires clear information about the threats we face. Our government officials are not providing that information. When someone commits mass murder over a period of three hours, calmly calls 911 dispatchers three times to explain his motivations for the carnage, and prepares for certain death, I give a lot of weight to their words, past activities and environment that they were raised in.

I think Attorney General Lynch’s censorship of the transcripts, and President Obama’s stubborn refusal to associate Islam in any way with these and other atrocities, is a national disgrace.

Omar Mateen was an Afghan with a U.S. passports. Unlike subscribers to the “magic dirt theory”, I believe that your culture, your religion (political correctness for many) and your ethnicity play a deciding role in shaping values and beliefs which guide your actions. Calling Omar Mateen, Nidal Hasan, Rizwan Farook and others of their ilk “homegrown terrorists” is an oft-repeated insult towards Americans. Barack Obama has the audacity to declare Islamic terrorism a perversion of a great religion and stubbornly refuses to even use the term “radical Islamic terror”. I’d like to know his theological credentials, but it’s becoming clearer by the day that violent jihad is well within the mainstream of Islamic dogma. Terrorism is the “killer app” of modern warfare. A handful of terrorist hijackers changed the course of world history fifteen years ago without firing a shot. The stupendous efficacy of affecting government policy and the lives of hundreds of millions of peaceful citizens through spectacular but low-cost attacks means they will continue. The mass media serves as an effective megaphone for terrorism, virally spreading panic and fear alongside the ideology of the perpetrators. The current administration in Washington D.C. appears to value political correctness over public safety by stalwartly refusing to identify the source of the terrorism that we face, the Islamic State, and its fertile breeding ground in Muslim communities. Muslims are at the top of the totem pole of minority groups in America today. The Pulse bloodshed makes that abundantly clear. Lest we forget, both Latinos and homosexuals were targeted in the attacks.

The inevitable attacks of the future are going to continue creating cognitive dissonance for progressives. The multicultural utopia that they envision is a fantasy. You can’t have multiple cultures occupying the same space when one of those cultures wants to liquidate the other.

Omar Mateen was not a “lone wolf”. He did what tens of thousands of “martyrs” have done before him, except that it was in our backyard, instead of the deserts of Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan. The hate towards gays that Mateen expressed with bullets (combined with self-loathing if the reports of him being gay are accurate) is preached by Muslim clerics throughout the west. Views that would be considered abhorrent to western society, including the base treatment of women, homosexuals and non-Muslims, are commonplace among practicing Muslims living not only in the Middle East, but America, Great Britain, France and other western countries. One such sheikh preached at the Husseini Islamic Center near Orlando just a few weeks before the massacre. He believes that death is the sentence for homosexuality and that getting rid of them is the compassionate thing to do. Hopefully gay Americans are beginning to see the danger they are in, not from Christians or any other bogeyman, but from the left’s preferred and sacrosanct minority group. Update: After intense pressure from Republicans, conservative media and the public, the Department of Justice has reverse it’s decision and released the full transcript of the 911 calls. It’s clear that our current administration doesn’t prioritize public safety above PC politics. The solution is at the ballot box on November 8, so the long process of healing can begin from eight long years of progressive governance.

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